Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Thing #9 - I can't get this sand off of me

Okay, here goes... I know I'm out of order, but I had to wait to get the approval to play in the sandbox. So while I waited, I completed Thing 10 and 11 (I think). Now, I'm back to 9.

This sandbox thingy required quite a bit of time, and I still haven't figured out how to create a table of contents. In order to get through this thingy, I printed up a copy of the instructions and the steps. That seemed to help some. Creating a credits list for my photos in the slide show required some time and effort, partly because I chose 19 photos, and partly because the original list that I created in Word was not in the same order as the pictures I picked for the slide show.

Most of the time constraints occur for me because I'm somewhat of a perfectionist. I just like for things to look right, sound right, feel right. I had to re-do my deep thoughts question a couple of times because I didn't like how it looked. I still think the talking cats talk too fast and would like to slow them down a bit. Then, when it came to adding music to my slide show, I added music, then I changed the song, then I went back to my original choice, then I thought, "Well, maybe I don't need music." Oh well... I'm tired, and it's time to move on.

Finally, adding a link to my sandbox in the master sandbox was easy, but I still don't see a current list of the "Sites We Liked." I'll keep checking, and when it appears for our group, I'll update.

The one thing that concerns me (I really hope it doesn't sound like I'm complaining) is that someone else can change my sandbox. After all the time I spent in there, I'd hate for some bully to come along with a bulldozer and doze my somewhat beautiful creation.

As far as the benefits to this and how to incorporate it into a classroom, I see some possibilities. I'm still ruminating over them though.


  1. I don't get the [toc] thing either. I've monkeyed with it several different ways and I have no idea if it's working because I can't actually see my page the way you see it . . . or I'm just stupid. I'm glad to know you don't have a title page either; I don't want to be the only one who doesn't get it. :)

  2. I hadn't really thought about someone else coming in and destroying what is already there. That adds a whole new perspective to a wiki generated by kids who don't always get along and who are generally ego-centric with their thoughts. I wonder if there is a way to "lock" some of the items you might put there so that other editors cannot wipe them out? That would be neat.
