Sunday, October 4, 2009

Thing #11 - Flickr

It is so crazy how something that sounds relatively easy can take forever. I'm sure I spent hours going through the millions of images on Flickr. It is very much how the English nerd feels at Barnes and Noble -- so much to choose from -- where do I start? This thingy is similar to the Google reader activity in that I'm overwhelmed with all of the "stuff" for lack of a better word.

I've used images in the past as prompts for creative writing assignments. It has always been one of my most successful activities. Students tend to write better when they have a jumping off spot. In addition, when we study Agatha Christie's And Then There Were None, I create a slide show of mysterious-type images so that the kids can create their own mystery stories based a photo. Most likely, this is what I'll do again, and I will use the images that I found on Flickr. One of the reasons that it took me so long to put some pictures together is that I had to be very specific with my searches. I had to think of different tags to get different settings and types of people for my mystery slides. Then, I had to copy the link, the title, and the photographer's name onto a word document. I feel as if I've sifted through thousands of pictures to get a few.

I've chosen the above image for my blog so that I'd have a happy place to go to, a beach at sunset. Thank you Neil Spicy for the moment of tranquility.


  1. How cool! I, too, have a beach/deserted island as my happy space. This, however, brings NinjaMickey flashbacks of the time he spent in Nam. I will spare you the ugly details and not describe one of his "events."

    Frankly, from the way you and Salinger have been talking about Things 9 & 10, I'm a tad affraid of trying them. Thanks for the heads up. :)

  2. Tell NinjaMickey that I hope he finds his happy place. Perhaps, an amusement park will do.

    I didn't mean to scare you away from thing 9 or 10. I think it's just me. I can't make up my mind about the little details, so I keep changing things. This mind-changing problem of mine wastes some time.

  3. It wasn't so much a bad thing as just a time consuming thing. I would advise Ninja Mickey to stay away from amusement parks at night because inevitably some creepy clown is wandering around. Man I hate clowns.
